Feldenkrais® and dance for all – Susanne Mueller Nelson

Feldenkrais® and dance for all

Have you always wanted to dance and never really dared? Do you think dancing is something for specialists but not for you? Or do you have physical limitations that make you think you can’t dance?

Then this course might be just right for you. It combines Feldenkrais and dancing. This combination makes it possible to design the lessons with special attention to the individual needs of the participants.

Each lesson is based on a specific theme such as walking, twisting, bending, lengthening, etc.

In the first part you will move based on simple instructions. You will learn how to direct the movement through the body and into the space, how to dose the use of force and which movements make you feel good and at the same time increase your expressive potential.

The second part consists of a Feldenkrais lesson in which the topic is deepened. You will be verbally guided to perform gentle movements. You will learn how to become aware of your movements and how they can expand your movement repertoire. You will gain more suppleness and stability.