Feldenkrais® individual sessions – Susanne Mueller Nelson

Feldenkrais® individual sessions

Feldenkrais individual sessions are called Functional Integration. The client lies (in comfortable clothing) on a table bed and is moved by a gentle, light touch. Individual work is based on the same neurophysiological relationships as group work, but is adapted to the client’s individual needs. He/she becomes sensitized to specific details of how he/she moves. Increasingly, he/she will be able to perform the movements he/she wants to be able to do. He/she will notice elementary changes: he/she will know how to stand up easily, walk with ease, and flexibly turn, bend, lie down, etc.

Appointments by appointment: s-mueller@bluewin.ch, 079 356 60 87

Location: Theodor-Kocher-Strasse 7, 2502 Biel